martes, 8 de marzo de 2016

Back to Lugo

No programme for today. Just going back home.

Today we left the hotel al 9:00 am to go to Zagreb with French and Bulgarian groups. But as our flight left very late in the afternoon we decided to spend some time in Zagreb. We arrived at 12:30 and we say goodbye(and we cry,cry so much)to our french and bulgarian friends.

We visited  Zagreb in an hour. More than visit, we ran to visit the cyti centre and to be at the bus station on time to catch the bus back to the airport.
Visiting Zagreb at full speed.
 At the airport we saw again our French friends, so we said goodbye once againg. After boarding our plane was delayed 35 minutes so we met again with the French people and we said  goodbye one more time (and cried one more time).
With our French friend and in Zagreb.
Finally we took the plane and arrived in Munich at 6:45 so we have to ran to take the last plane.We took the plane in the last called and we arrived in Madrid at 10:00 pm and we took a bus to Lugo so we finally arrived in home at 5:00 am.

No temos programa para hoxe, só voltar a casa.

Salimos do hotel ás 9:00 e fumos cara a Zagreb cos nosos amigos franceses e búlgaros. No aeroporto nos despedimos e nosoutros seguimos ata Zagreb para facer unha rápida visita á vila. Chegamos un pouco xustos e tivemos que correr para poder ver o centro da vila e voltar a coller o bus de regreso ao aeroporto.

No aeroporto atopámonos de novo cos franceses e nos voltamos a despedir. Despois, tras embarcar, o noso voo veu con retraso e voltámonos a ver co grupo francés. Nova despedida, sempre cos abrazos e choros habituais.

Xa no voo, chegamos a escala de Munich xustos de tempo e tivemos que correr para coller o enlace a Madrid, onde aterrizamos ás 10:00 pm. De alí collimos un bus a Lugo para chegar ás 5:00 am.

5th day - Friday, March 4th

This was our programme for today:
Meeting at the hotel
Visit to the State stud farm in Djakovo, performance of horse dancing
Free time
Arrival at school, participaing in the School's open day activities,
14:00 - 16:00
Sport activities for students
Presentation of training companies to localenterpreneurs, (each room will be attended by 10 people from the project)
Choosing the best or most successful training firm, delivering awards to the training firms
Dinner with all our guests and teachers and farewell dinner for participants of the project meeting- delivery of certificates to the students and teachers participating in the project.

It was an amazing day. In the morning we visited a horse farm. We saw a very beautiful horse dancing show. After that we spent some time visiting the stables and the horses.
Dancing horse show.
At the stables with the horses.

Then lunch at the hotel, as usual. In the afternoon we went to the school again. It was the open doors day and there were sport activities, music, theathre, food and drink for everybody.
Open doors day and presentations.

It was really interesting.

In the evening we have dinner all together till late, with music and dancing. At the moment to say good bye everybody was happy and upset at the same time. It was a nice day.
Fantastic food.

All together.

Este foi o noso programa para hoxe:
Reunión no hotel
Visita a granxa pública de Djakovo. Espectáculo ecuestre.
Tempo libre
Escola: día de portas abertas
Actividades deportivas para alumnos
Presentación de empresas de prácticas a emprendedores
Selección da mellor empresa. Entrega premios.
Cea despedida

Hoxe foi un día fantástico. Pola mañá fumos a ver un espectáculo ecuestre e despois puidemos visitar os estables. Logo tivemos un pouco de tempo libre e fumos comer ao hotel coma sempre.

Pola tarde acudimos á escola. Era a xornada de portas abertas e había actividades deportivas, música, teatro, comida e bebida para todo o mundo.

Xa pola noito fumos cear todos xuntos e logo bailamos e cantamos. Foi todo moi divertido.

viernes, 4 de marzo de 2016

4th day - Thursday, March 3rd

This was our programme for today:
Meeting at the hotel
8:45 - 12:45
Visiting family farm Grube Ltd., vineyard and wine cellar in Mandićevac, the lake Borovik
13:00 -13:45
Lunch at the hotel
Meeting at school, analyses of the material, making brochures and presentations, preparing exhibition  in the school hall; materials for the newsletter
Free time

Today we visited a familiar farm where the smell was very disgusting.
A beautiful farm.
We saw lots of cows, some dogs and we ate in a small house.
With the cows.
After that we went to a vineyard and wine cellar.
At the wine cellar.
We stopped in Borovik a very beutiful lake.
Lake Borovik.

We had lunch in the hotel. In the afternoon we went to the school to work in grups to do a presentation of the companies that we saw on Tuesday.
Working hard!
And that was our Thursday!!

Este foi o noso itinerario para hoxe:
Reunión no hotel
8:45 - 12:45
Visita granxa familiar Grube Ltd., viñedos e bodegas en Mandićevac, o lago Borovik
13:00 -13-45
Comida no hotel
Sesión traballo escola: análise de material, preparación de panfletos, etc.
Tempo libre

Hoxe visitamos unha granxa familiar. Vimos moitas vacas, algún cans e comimos nunha pequena cabana. Despois visitamos unha bodega e un lago moi bonito. De volta a Djakovo, comimos no hotel e fumos ao colexio a analizar o material e elaborar panfletos e posters das empresas que vimos o martes. E iste foi o noso xoves!!

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016

3rd day - Wednesday, March 2nd

This was our programme for today:
Meeting at the hotel for a wholeday trip.
8:15- 9:30
Travell to Kopački rit (park of nature)
Visit to Osijek – Tvrđa ( The baroque fortress )  and the town center. Free time and lunch.
15: 30
Travell to Našice
Visiting Kopački rit and the Pejacevic  castle in Našice – home of the countess Dora Pejacevic, the famous Croatian pianist and classical music composer.
Return to Djakovo at about 19.

We left the hotel at half past seven to visit Kopacki rit Natural Park. We visited the park in a small touristic train for 40 minutes.

On the left you can see the train we took.
They told us there were a lot of wild animals in the park.
Looking for someting to take a picture.
Then we visited Osijek, the fourth larger city in Croatia. We ate in the McDonald's and went to the center of the city. We had 2 hours with free time in the city finding a souvenirs shop, at the end we found one bus without magnets.
Spanish crew.

Osijek cathedral.

Playing with the letters.

Walking dowtown.
In the afternoon we went to Našice were we visited Pejasevic castle, house of the compositor Dora Pejasevic. At the entrance, there were a lot of estates of Jesucristo so creepy.
Visit to Pejasevic castle.
After that we went back to Djakovo. Finally, we came back to the hotel and to dinner we ate hamburgers.

Este foi o noso programa de hoxe:
Viaxe a Kopački rit (espazo natural)
Visita Osijek-Tvrđa,fortaleza barroca e visita vila. Comida e tempo libre.
Viaxe a Našice
Visita Kopački rit e o castelo Pejacevic en Našice
Volta a Djakovo sobre as 19:00

Saímos do hotel as 7:30 para visitar o parque natural de Kopacki rit. Fixemos unha visita de 40 minutos nun pequeno tren turístico. Despois  nos achegamos a Osijek, a cuarta cidade croata por tamaño. Fumos comer e tivemos un pouco de tempo libre para pasear pola vila.

Pola tarde fumos a Nasice a visitar o castelo da compositora Dora Pejasevic. E despois voltamos a Djakovo para cear.

miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2016

2nd day - Tuesday March 1st

Great expectations!
This was our program for today:
Meeting at the hotel and visiting local enterpreneurs
8:45 – 12:45
Meteor, Ancona, Crnov comerc ltd., Hemko and Mlako
13:00 -13-45
Lunch at the hotel
Meeting at school to analyse the material gathered during the visits to entrepreneurs.
Discovering the common steps of their success.
Djakovo town museum, All Saints Church, walking through Djakovo and free time

So in the morning we visited the five companies scheduled. The first Crnov Comerce is a company which manufacture house products.

Cronov Commerce, family picture.
Meteor, the second, is an industry that produce chemical cleaning products. 

Ancona, watching the machinery.
The third company we visited, Ancona, creates furniture. 

Our teacher in Ancona's sewing room

Hemco, the fourth, produces and sells work clothes and uniforms for cops, firefighters etc... .

Waiting to get inside Hemco.
 The last company, Mlako is a wood industry and a restaurant.

In the afternoon we worked together, trying to identify the key aspects of those businesses success.
Working hard to identify the key to economic success

Este foi o noso programa para hoxe:

Visita emprendedores locais.
8:45 – 12:45
Meteor / Ancona / Crnov comerc ltd. / Hemko / Mlako
13:00 -13-45
Comida no hotel
Sesión traballo escola
Revisión material, coordinación.
Visitas en Djakovo, tempo libre

Pola mañá visitamos as cinco empresas previstas. A primeira, Crnov Comerce, é unha empresa de productos para o fogar. Meteor, a segunda, elabora produtos químicos para limpeza. A terceira empresa que visitamos, Ancona, fabrica mobles. Hemco, a cuarta, produce e vende roupa de traballo e uniformes. E a última, Mlako, é unha empresa madereira e una restaurante.

Pola tarde traballamos xuntos, tentando de identificar os aspectos claves do éxito empresarial de estas empresas.

martes, 1 de marzo de 2016

1st day - Monday February 29th

This is our program for today:
Meeting at the hotel with Croatian students, teachers and headmistress
Meeting with the mayor of Djakovo
Visiting the cathedral and diocese museum , bishop'scastle,
Lunch at hotel Laguna
Arrival  at school, welcome
15:30 – 16:30
Visiting the museum in the , the center for retired people Amadea and the kindergarten applying the programme Montessori
17:00 – 18:00
Presentations of the successful companies by all partners
18:00 - 19:00
Arrangements about the project tasks, formation of mixed groups, discussing questions for entrepreneurs (questions are supposed to cover the steps of the success)
Dinner at the hotel Laguna

And this are some of the pictures taken:
Meeting wiht the bishop.
Meeting with the mayor.

Gathering at the school.
Presenting FINSA's case.
And our presentation about FINSA:

Este é o noso programa para hoxe:
Recepción no hotel
Visita ao concello
Visita catedral, museo diocesano e casa episcopal.
Comida no hotel
Visita escola, benvida
Visitas locais: Museo Amadea , Monasterio
Presentacións empresas de éxito 
Cea en hotel 

Arriving to Djakovo

It was a very long trip. We left Lugo at 23:00 to get to the airport in Madrid around 08:30. There we caught a flight to Frankfurt. And from Frankfurt to Zagreb.
Tired but happy at Zagreb's airport, Pleso.

We arrived at Zagreb's airport at 14:15 but waited for the French group to arrive. At 17:30 we met with the French crew and took a bus to Djakovo where we arrived around 19:30. It was a long and exciting trip, but very tiresome.

Foi unha viaxe moi longa. Saímos de Lugo ás 11:00 da noite para estar no aeorporto de Madrid e coller o vo das 08:30 a Frankfurt. Dende alí voamos a Zagreb, onde chegamos ás 14:15. Pero tivemos que esperar ao grupo francés, que non chegou ata as 17:30. Logo collimos un bus ata Djakovo, onde chegamos sobre as 19:30 horas. Foi unha viaxe longa e excitante, pero moi cansada.